140 Days in England - Matt Haugland
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  • Trip - Edinburgh - Glasgow - Belfast
  • Trip - B'ham - Lake District - Edinburgh
  • Day 54 - Scotland, N. Ireland, Ireland
  • Day 53 - Frozen strawberries
  • Day 52 - One more week in Sherfield
  • Day 51 - Eating utensils
  • Day 50 - OU Football in England
  • Day 49 - 2nd Place from Oxford
  • Day 48 - Mail & more travel ideas
  • Day 46 - Ha Ha Bar
  • 21 September, 2005

    Trip - Belfast - Dublin

    Belfast was a nice city, but wasn't very unique compared to many I visted. I spent several more hours there in the morning before moving on to Dublin. I was looking hard for differences between Northern Ireland and Britain, but there were more similarities than differences. One noticeable difference was the train system - the station in Belfast was very new and clean, but the trains were infrequent (only once every 2 hours to Dublin, unfortunately) and they don't let you split trips like in Britain. Though the trains were nice, I prefer the British system - maybe that's partly because I can ride for free in Britain and had to pay for it in (N.)Ireland.

    I went down the eastern coast of Ireland to Dublin. The scenery was nice, but not as much different from Britain as I had expected. Dublin was interesting. Tons of new buildings. I don't think I've ever seen so many cranes in one city. Of the European cities I've been to, Dublin is one of the most modern. A few streets almost looked like downtown San Jose minus the palm trees. However, there also were some nice older areas, VERY nice parks, and some not-so-nice areas that were fun to walk through.

    Again, I looked hard for differences between Ireland and Northern Ireland, and between Ireland and Britain. There were some noticeable ones. Many of the signs are in English and (Irish) Gaelic - similar to signs in Wales that are English/Welsh. The currency obviously was different. I prefer the UK currency because the coins all look very different -- Euro coins almost all look the same (all the same color and similar sizes) and it can be hard to tell them apart.

    Another big difference I noticed was the people -- they had a very Irish look to them, which I did not notice in Belfast. Many of the men looked a lot like Conan O'Brien, and many of the women looked a lot like, uh, well, Conan O'Brien with long hair.

    (click to enlarge)


    At 12:23 AM, Megan Ferris said...

    That is so weird... I would definitely not think of Dublin being modern. I havent been there nor studied the city, so my basis for judgement is nil. haha.

    At 10:44 PM, Dotty :*) said...

    Yay Ireland!! (I just like it from what I saw in the John Wayne movie "The Quiet Man" and from taking Irish dancing.) hehe!


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