140 Days in England - Matt Haugland
Previous Posts
  • Day 116 - Magic class schedule
  • Day 115 - The Constant Gardener
  • Day 114 - Class & graphic project
  • Day 113 - First real day of class
  • Day 112 - Cardiff & my Welsh family
  • Day 111 - Aberystwyth
  • Day 110 - Birmingham, Llanelli
  • Day 109 - Back to Wales
  • Day 108 - Sharing cultures
  • Day 107 - Becoming one of them?
  • 18 November, 2005

    Day 117 - My "lame duck" term

    American presidents in their second term are called "lame duck presidents" because they can't be elected again after that, and thus lose much of their power. As the term gets nearer to the end, they usually start focusing more on their legacy than on actually accomplishing anything.

    In a way, I feel like I'm headed into my "lame duck" term as a resident in England.

    I can't really buy anything anymore, because I no longer have any room in my bags to take stuff back with me. It seems almost pointless to make new friends or get too much closer to the ones I have, because I won't be able to see them after 23 days. I can't really start any big new projects here [with the exception of a modeling project that I kinda started today], because I'll be leaving before I can finish.

    But I feel like there's still time to make a lasting impact on England, or at least help a few people who will be here long after I leave. For example.. I have far more meteorology experience than the other students my classes (most of them did their previous degrees in Physics or Math). So they often ask me for help with their homework or projects. There are few things I enjoy more than that. If I ever get some free time, I'd love to go down to the department and spend all day helping whoever wants help with their homework. To do that, it wouldn't make any difference whether I'm here for 23 more days or 23 more years.

    Other than that, I know quite a few people around here who could use a friend to spend time with once in a while. Though I'm not gonna be here much longer, I can still spend some time with people and introduce them to new people who will be here longer.

    As a side note, I'll just say a little about tomorrow. I plan to ride on trains ALL day and work on my dissertation the whole time. I know what my main destination will be, but don't know how I'll get there. I may make one last visit to Birmingham and Nottingham on the way.


    At 3:38 PM, Marcian!!! said...

    when you say "modeling project" I immediately think of something tactile... like a sculpture or a 3D model of something... I forget you work with numbers...


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