140 Days in England - Matt Haugland
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  • Friend of God
  • 02 April, 2006


    Now that I finished the seminar and the dissertation, I can do pretty much whatever I want between now and at least May. I only have 1 class (ballroom dancing), and another (Greek) that's just for fun. Well, I suppose they're both just for fun. Anyway, I'll have more free time in the next couple months than I've had in many years, probably since I was a junior in high school.

    That means plenty of time for storm chasing and softball. I played 6 softball games in the past 2 days [co-ed pre-season tournament. I had 6 homeruns, by the way :-)], and am going back to the field in a few minutes to play homerun derby with some teammates from church. I'll be playing on 3 teams this spring/summer. Can't wait 'till the season starts!

    As for storm chasing, haven't had any good days yet for that, but I don't think I'll have to wait too much longer.

    Sometimes I don't know what to do when I have free time because I'm not used to having very much. I don't want to spend too much of it working (i.e., on web sites or things like that). I've already done enough traveling for a while. I'd love to go to a few movies, but most of my friends don't seem to be the movie types. Tennis is good, but there aren't many experienced players around here, at least that I know of. I'll probably start doing a lot more photos for DP Challenge in the next couple weeks, so that's a start.

    I have some other ideas of things to do, but they're basically the same as work. I'll have to think of some other fun things that are not related to meteorology or graphic design. I'm open to suggestions.


    At 8:46 AM, Joel said...

    1. Study Provencal cuisine, and master the Gascon-style omlette des fines herbes

    2. Cultivate an interest in Romantic poetry, starting with Shelley and progressing via his wife to Lord Byron; alternatively, read anything by Jack Keroac.

    3. Join a medieval fair and travel about the country as a prophet and mystic, giving people weather predictions in exchage for mead.

    4. Write your memoirs. In Latin.

    5. Honour your Californian heritage by learning to surf and getting liposuction (whether you need it or not).

    6. Donate money to those less fortunate in your RUF community... I have a few particularly worthy individuals in mind, if you're interested.

    7. Start a commune amidst the micro-climate on your property; begin to refer to yourself as Odin, and to that end domesticate an owl and start wearing it (on shoulder) and an eyepatch (on eye).

    8. Read the complete works of P.G. Wodehouse; compose an opera based on the complete 'Uncle Fred' storyline.

    Hope these help to dispel your boredom, esp. number six.

    At 4:03 PM, Anonymous said...

    Congratulations Matt!


    At 12:35 AM, Dotty said...

    Wow, there are so many things you can do! (uh, including what Joel mentioned) I don't know how much you'll like these ideas, but these are things I like or would like to do:

    kayaking, canoeing, and sailboating

    go ice skating! so it's warm out, go to Blazer's indoor rink (or maybe you know of another one)

    go swimming (that can go with boating)

    plan a dancing party and use those steps you're learning

    At 3:46 AM, Walvoord said...

    Great to hear. Since it looks like you might take our suggestions democratically, I'd like to vote for a couple already mentioned, and add my own:
    --Definitely take up cooking; I did this when I had free time and enjoyed it immensely (in concert, growing your own microclimate-enriched vegetable garden would be fun as well)
    --Post a photo journal of the OU campus (for those of us far away that need a taste of home)
    --Definitely go kayaking! You can get one for fairly cheap and go out on the water and enjoy nature.
    --As above, make it your goal to find unexplored natural places, and keep a list of animals you see (without hunting or harassing them too much or at all).
    --Come visit Kelly and I! That doesn't count as travelling, does it?



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