140 Days in England - Matt Haugland
Previous Posts
  • Days 61 & 62 - A night in London
  • Day 60 - From RG2 to RG1
  • Day 59 - Last day in Sherfield
  • Trip - Dublin - Bournemouth - Reading
  • Trip - Belfast - Dublin
  • Trip - Edinburgh - Glasgow - Belfast
  • Trip - B'ham - Lake District - Edinburgh
  • Day 54 - Scotland, N. Ireland, Ireland
  • Day 53 - Frozen strawberries
  • Day 52 - One more week in Sherfield
  • 26 September, 2005

    Day 63 - Freshers' Week

    Today was the first official day of Freshers' Week, a week without classes to get the freshers (freshmen) oriented to the university. While I'm not a true fresher, I've been participating in a lot of it because it's my first year here.

    Tonight I went to an event that could never happen in America: a school-sponsored drinking/dancing event at the night club in the student union. A place on campus packed with 18-yr-old freshmen drinking, and it's all legal and encouraged by the school. So strange.

    That was probably the lowlight of the night. Before that was nice.. at dinner I met several new nice people from my floor. It was nice at first, before it got too loud to talk to anyone. The dancing later on was kinda fun for a while, but after an hour or so it started to get old. I guess people need to drink a lot in order to have fun at something like that. Otherwise I don't understand why people don't get totally bored (as I was) after 2 or 3 hours of it. Well, I guess it wasn't so bad when (on rare occasions) they played a song that I actually knew. But it still wasn't my kind of thing. Now if they played country music and occasionally stopped dancing and did completely different things to keep it interesting, that could be fun.

    One last note about "Freshers' Week"... it's nice to live in a place where people know where to use apostrophes and where not to. In Oklahoma it would surely be written "Fresher's Week".


    At 2:11 AM, andy said...

    Country music? Matt, I had no idea you succombed so easily to Oklahoma culture . .

    At 9:51 AM, Matt said...

    Haha. Actually it all started when I lived in California. Maybe it was part of my wanting to be different. Since moving to Oklahoma I hadn't been quite as into it, but I still like it a lot and England is making me more into it again.

    At 7:46 PM, Dotty said...

    I like country music! So, did you dance?? ;o)

    At 10:27 PM, OUWxGirl said...

    Ooh that's a pet peeve of mine. The apostrophes...there, they're, their, your, you're, loose, lose...it drives me nuts!

    At 11:02 AM, Matt said...

    yeah, and a lot of Oklahoma people use them for plural word's. Ahhhh!!! It drive's me crazy!!!''''


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