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  • 08 February, 2006

    Not knowing people

    In some situations, particularly with big groups, I've noticed that people here at OU don't seem as friendly as in Reading. They're not unfriendly, but they don't make as much of an effort to talk to me.

    I think it's because in the main groups with whom I spent time in Reading (Windsor Hall and the MSc meteorology students), everyone was new and didn't know each other at first. They didn't already have friends there, so they were looking to meet new ones. Here it seems like everyone already has friends who they stick with, and are as eager to make new ones.

    I probably would've felt the opposite way if I went to Reading during the spring term instead of the autumn. So if you are thinking about studying abroad or transfering to another school, I recommend starting during the autumn term.


    At 4:01 AM, OUWxGirl said...

    That's the way it seems to be everywhere for me. There's always little groups and no matter how much I make an effort to be friendly, they kinda snub me. This year has been a bit better here than last because there wasn't a whole slew of people from Millersville coming. More people who didn't know anyone. I seem more able to associate with them.

    Guess I'll never be part of the "cool gang" because I am not a big fan of cliques. Oh well. I kinda like it better that way. I don't want to be considered part of a group. I want to be considered for myself, you know?

    Although it would be nice to go hang out with a group of people rather than just myself. :-\

    At 4:33 AM, Matt said...

    I wouldn't go quite that far. People who have friends like to talk to those friends. I don't see anything wrong with it. Nobody is obligated to approach people who aren't their friends -- it's nice if they do, but not bad if they don't.

    I don't think it's about cliques or being seen as part of a group. That's more of a junior high or high school thing. People do like to associate with people who they have a lot in common with, but that's not necessarily a clique.

    As for Millersville people, I can't help ya there -- I think God somehow made me incompatible with anyone from the state of Pennsylvania. I may never understand them.

    At 6:46 AM, OUWxGirl said...

    I'm not saying they can't talk to their friends. It just seems that when there's a group of people, and I approach them (or other people) and try to be friendly, they turn their nose up at me like I've got something they're afraid they'll catch. They act like they're too good to socialize with others outside. It everywhere and I've just grown to accept it.

    And as far as junior high and high school social situations, I always heard college was different. All college has seemed to me is a junior and senior high school but with older people.

    Now there are a few people that don't fit in that characterization. I just don't enjoy being friendly and people just act like I'm not there.

    And I've met a few people from Pennsylvania that are great. It's just these particular people that seem to not want to associate with anyone outside of their social group.

    At 7:28 AM, Megan Ferris said...

    God made you incompatible with pretty much ANYONE from the east coast. :-p


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