140 Days in England - Matt Haugland
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  • 23 May, 2006

    Da Vinci Movie

    I finally was able to see the Da Vinci Code movie last night. Here are some thoughts:

    • It's a good movie.
    • The story is nothing short of brilliant.
    • It contains some obvious historical errors.
    • Maybe the premise is a little shaky. As a friend pointed out, the holy grail wouldn't prove Jesus was married to her, so perhaps its not as big a threat as portrayed.
    • It contains enough historical fact to seem plausible. It's at least believable enough to be entertaining.
    • If it portrayed Christian history 100% correctly, the story would've suffered a lot.
    • It's NOT a vicious attack on Christianity.
    • Some good Christian arguments are presented fairly; a nice surprise.
    • I see no reason for it to be boycotted or avoided by Christians.
    • It's a movie that Christians SHOULD see.
    • I wasn't expecting it to make me think much, but it did.
    • It's fiction; fiction based on a lot of true facts and some embellishments; the best kind of fiction.
    • Entertaining from beginning to end.
    • Sometimes it made me forget that it was miserably hot in that movie theatre.

    If any of you have seen it, I'd love to hear your thoughts. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. If you're refusing to see it for religious/moral reasons, I hope you reconsider. It won't make you doubt your faith, but it just might open your mind a little. And if you've seen it (or read the book) and believe it's all true, we need to have a little talk about history.


    At 11:18 AM, thebluefish said...

    The main issues people have aren't really issues - Brown's "facts" are clearly "fiction".

    I enjoyed the book, but the film was really slow and plodding... I really think Ron Howard could have made a tense, exciting film from the material but this wasn't it.

    Boycott it because there must be better films to spend money on going to see... !

    At 1:34 PM, Marcian!!!! said...

    I'm going to listen to thebluefish's advice. Art School Confidential looks good... I'd much rather spend my cash on a low-budget indie flick any day.

    At 3:08 PM, Matt said...

    I didn't like it so much because it's a great move it. It's not. It's a good movie, but not a great one. I liked it so much because the story is a work of genius. And because I didn't read the book.

    If you've already read the book, there's probably nothing new in the movie, and I can see how you might not like it very much.

    But if you haven't read the book and don't plan to read the book, seeing the movie is a must. Not because it's such a great movie, but because the story is something you should be familiar with in one way or another. It's guaranteed to make you think. Amazing how so many things are put together so well.

    At 10:31 PM, Jamie Jo said...

    Jason and I went to see it... we REALLY liked it... not because we believe in everything it has to say, but because we thought it was a really good movie... and we so rarely get to go out to see movies, I think we would have liked a movie about a guy who just stands there and picks his nose.. okay.. maybe not that ... but we liked it a lot... neither one of us had read the book because we dont have time to read anything that our schools don't require... we did think that the story was very clever and it kept us on our toes... people who boycott the movie or the book for religious reasons have obviously not stopped to consider that it is a work of fiction... why are they so afraid??

    At 1:49 AM, MWalvoord said...

    This post has been removed by the author.

    At 1:49 AM, MWalvoord said...

    I agree Matt...a good movie, but probably only to those of us who haven't read the book. There were some "too convenient" and cheesy parts that made me laugh (weren't supposed to), but I really did like it despite the critics. X-Men III is next, and I expect to enjoy it as well. Maybe I'm just easy to please...

    At 1:50 AM, MWalvoord said...

    This post has been removed by the author.


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