140 Days in England - Matt Haugland
Previous Posts
  • My Address
  • Day 64 - Traffic light party
  • Day 63 - Freshers' Week
  • Days 61 & 62 - A night in London
  • Day 60 - From RG2 to RG1
  • Day 59 - Last day in Sherfield
  • Trip - Dublin - Bournemouth - Reading
  • Trip - Belfast - Dublin
  • Trip - Edinburgh - Glasgow - Belfast
  • Trip - B'ham - Lake District - Edinburgh
  • 28 September, 2005

    Day 65 - Small World Café

    Tonight I went to the Small World Café, which is not a café but a dinner for international students which is hosted by the U. of Reading Christian Union (CU). I've been very much looking forward to being involved with the CU because I've heard good things about it and know of at least 3 people involved in it who've read/posted to this blog, all of whom seemed very friendly, including the leader of tonight's event who I got to meet tonight.

    I met a lot of very nice people there. I met someone from Norway, Estonia, Thailand, Niger (or Nigeria?), Iran, France, Portugal, Germany, 3 from Belgium, 2 from Italy, and several from England including a meteorology student. The turnout was much higher than expected, which was good, but it meant that by the time it was my turn to get food, there wasn't any left. Food isn't easy to get here at 10:00 when it's pouring rain, but I found an ok place not too far from campus.

    Speaking of food, one of my biggest fears about moving into Windsor Hall (fully-catered, so all meals are provided) was not liking the food and being stuck with it. But much to my surprise, the catered cafeteria food here is very good. It's better than 90% of the restaurants I've been to in England, not that that's saying a whole lot. And they serve decent portions, which I didn't know existed in England. But it'll be hard to get used to having only warm water to drink.


    At 8:21 AM, thebluefish said...

    Amazing. So encouraging to hear that it went that well. Bit overwhelming too by the sound of it.

    Tis' normally more "cafe" style!


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