140 Days in England - Matt Haugland
Previous Posts
  • Day 124 - No Thanksgiving
  • Day 123 - Cigarette vending machine
  • Day 122 - Friend visiting
  • Day 121 - Appearance on BBC TV
  • Day 120 - Graphic design project
  • Day 119 - Missing my car
  • Day 118 - All 39 counties
  • Day 117 - My "lame duck" term
  • Day 116 - Magic class schedule
  • Day 115 - The Constant Gardener
  • 26 November, 2005

    Day 125 - Drama last night

    I'm starting to get very tired (no pun intended) of the people on my floor yelling, singing, talking extremely loud, and playing loud (and awful) music at 1-4 AM. It's happened every single night since last weekend. I can't even remember a Friday or Saturday night when I wasn't kept up or woken up at 3 or 4 in the morning.

    I don't think they have any malicious intent, and maybe don't even know that they're disturbing everyone on the 5th and 6th (and maybe 4th) floors. But it's obvious that they have no regard at all for other people at those times.

    I learned about an extreme example of that last night. When my friend and I were at the pub last night, a guy who was stranded in Reading came and sat next to us. He came from Oxford by train and was trying to get to Bracknell. But he couldn't get past Reading because all of the trains were stopped. Apparently there was a huge crowd at the station of people waiting for them to re-open it. Many of them probably didn't make it home that night.

    They were stopped because someone between Reading and London threw him/her-self on the track to commit suicide. I don't know whether that person was thinking at all about how much trouble it would cause for so many people. But it's obvious that the person didn't have much regard for anyone other than him/herself.


    At 9:30 PM, Norman said...

    It's about 9:30 your time, but I thought I'd still wish you a happy birthday!

    At 11:24 PM, Andrew Johnson said...

    Its even later than it was when norman posted, but I want to wish the same. Happy Birthday!

    At 12:29 AM, OUWxGirl said...

    I just sent you a birthday email but wanted to say it on here...although it's already tomorrow over there...it's still today over here...LOL!!!



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