140 Days in England - Matt Haugland
Previous Posts
  • Day 65 - Small World CafĂ©
  • My Address
  • Day 64 - Traffic light party
  • Day 63 - Freshers' Week
  • Days 61 & 62 - A night in London
  • Day 60 - From RG2 to RG1
  • Day 59 - Last day in Sherfield
  • Trip - Dublin - Bournemouth - Reading
  • Trip - Belfast - Dublin
  • Trip - Edinburgh - Glasgow - Belfast
  • 29 September, 2005

    Day 66 - Meeting more people

    Today I went to the Meteorology welcome meeting and the first Christian Union meeting. I could write a ton about both of those, but I'll say for now that I like them both a lot. The meteorology building has a giant neon art thing inside that lights up different colors based on the direction of the wind. So cool! I'd love something like that for my house. The CU is very unique (compared to what OU has) because it's sponsored by all the various churches in Reading, from Anglican to Pentecostal to Reformed Baptist. If you'd like to know more, email me. In summary, I met (and got to know better) a lot of great people today at both places and a few more at my hall.

    I think I've already met more people in England than in Oklahoma, and that's after living in OK for 6 years. It's impossible to remember that many names, so I remember most people by where they're from. And that works, because everybody at the Univ. of Reading is from somewhere other than Reading and it's hard to find two people who are from the same place. It's not like OU where at least half the people are from either the OKC or DFW areas, and definitely not like SJSU where 90%+ are from San Jose. Of the hundreds of people I've met, only a few were from London and none were from Berkshire (Reading's county).

    And there's another thing that the Meteorology department, Christian Union, int'l students, and Windsor Hall have in common. I'm not gonna say what that is, but I'm sure some of you can already guess ;-)


    At 11:18 PM, Marcian!!! said...

    hmmm... would they be the English girls???? hmmm????


    At 11:35 PM, Matt said...

    haha, you're probably on the right track but there aren't any English girls who are international students here

    At 5:24 AM, Megan Ferris said...

    You just think they're hot. :-p
    And you were saying *I* was superficial...hehehe

    At 8:20 AM, thebluefish said...

    Great to finally meet you Matt.



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