140 Days in England - Matt Haugland
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  • Day 67 - 1 week at Windsor
  • Day 66 - Meeting more people
  • Day 65 - Small World CafĂ©
  • My Address
  • Day 64 - Traffic light party
  • Day 63 - Freshers' Week
  • Days 61 & 62 - A night in London
  • Day 60 - From RG2 to RG1
  • Day 59 - Last day in Sherfield
  • Trip - Dublin - Bournemouth - Reading
  • 01 October, 2005

    Day 68 - Subtle natural beauty

    I've heard several people here talk about how beautiful the Reading campus is, including someone who did their undergrad work at Oxford. It surprised me at first to hear that, because most of the buildings here are quite ugly -- nowhere near as beautiful as those at Oxford or even OU. In fact, even San Jose state generally has more attractive buildings than the Univ. of Reading.

    But this morning I walked around the campus to take pictures and I finally understood what everyone was talking about. It had nothing to do with the buildings. It was simply the subtle, natural beauty of the park-like campus. You just can't compare this campus with ones like Oxford and OU, because it's so different. Here are some pictures:

    (click to enlarge)

    Tonight (along with a couple friends from church) I went to another subtly beautiful place that many would overlook. It's a town called Marlow, about 15 miles northeast of Reading on the Thames. We met an interesting character there who was "talking a lot of rubbish" -- on the ride home, I learned that "talking rubbish" is not the same as "talking trash" as you might think, but more like "talking nonsense". I also heard another interesting expression -- getting one's "knickers in a twist". I still don't know what that one means.


    At 11:48 PM, OUWxGirl said...

    Since when does "talking a lot of rubbish" mean "talking trash"? Hmm. Maybe it's a regional thing here.

    Maybe the "knickers in a twist" means the same thing as "getting your panties in a wad". *shrugs*

    Reading looks pretty.

    At 11:56 PM, Matt said...

    No they're not the same. Rubbish means "trash" (or garbage) as far as I know, so you might think they're the same thing to talk, but they're not.

    panties in a wad? you mean "bunch"? i've never heard "wad", but maybe that's because I've never lived in Arkansas or Alabama :-p

    I've had a hard enough time figuring out the Oklahoma expressions and usages of words

    At 11:58 PM, Matt said...

    Life would be so much easier if we declared that California English be the official language of the world. Maybe that's starting to happen already ;-)

    At 12:34 AM, OUWxGirl said...

    I personally like the way we talk down here. :)

    At 5:39 PM, thebluefish said...

    Yes. And we prefer the Queen's English.... or summat like that..

    Glad you found the nice bits of Reading campus. "The Wilderness" at the South of campus is particularly nice...

    If you go through there and out of campus, down Beech Lane you get to another lake (off to the left of the road) - which is much nicer (and less smelly) than the main campus one.... apparently used to be part of the campus til they sold off all the land!

    Beyond that you get out to Arborfield etc (beyond the motorway) which very quickly feels like a totally different place.

    At 10:15 PM, Dotty said...

    what Okie expressions have you had trouble with?

    I like how we talk down here, too. Except I wish I could make myself go a little slower.

    At 1:44 AM, Megan Ferris said...

    Wow... I don't remember seeing this post!! I love the pictures :-)


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